Top view of Dim Sum Disaster with a white background

There’s nothing better than a hot, steaming char siu bao to start the day. I’ve written about my love for them before, having consumed my fair share of these delectable barbecue pork buns while living in Singapore. It was common for me to pick one up with a cup of kopi on the way to…

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Close up image of Marys Guacamole

My next-door neighbor, Mary, makes the best guacamole in all of Brooklyn. It’s always perfect and no matter how many times I’ve made it, it’s never as good as hers. I think it’s a salt and cumin ratio issue. I tend to have a light hand when it comes to spices, but Mary is fearless.…

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A small shop of so many Sausages

For years I’ve been passing by the local Polish butcher shop in my neighborhood. Through the window I could see long links of sausages dangling above the counter waiting for a chance to enhance a soup or stew. I could hear the Polish-speaking customers ordering oddly named meats as the men behind the counter wrapped…

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Top view of a Simple Salad in a plate

I never think of myself as a great salad maker. Somehow I never get the oil and vinegar ratio quite right. This recipe, inspired by Patricia Wells’ Cheesemaker Salad, uses cream instead of oil, which gives it a lighter and richer flavor. I serve it with mixed greens, but you can substitute spinach or your…

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Close up image of Dan's Huli Huli Chicken

Although a Hawaiian Huli-Huli Chicken is often marinated with brown sugar, ginger and soy, I like Dan’s twist using molasses, orange juice, and chipotles. To me, the test of a good Huli-Huli Chicken is that you can’t stop eating it. And there are never any leftovers with Dan’s version. Huli means turn, and although you…

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A skydiver flying in the air with a lady

One day while visiting Queenstown, New Zealand, I could swear I saw pterodactyls flying over the skylight in my shower. Granted, without my glasses I’m fairly blind, but there was something huge hovering overhead watching me soap up. As it turned out, I was in the flight path of landing paragliders. As they swooped down…

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Close up image of a plate of food on a table

One of the downsides of my passion for fancy food markets is coming home with a bag of unusual ingredients that I end up sticking in the back of my pantry only to throw out five years later when I get the urge to purge. But I did manage to salvage a bag of four-color…

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Asian Black Bean and Asparagus Salad

Asian Black Bean and Asparagus Salad

I’m a big Costco fan. Knowing that I’m getting a bargain by buying in bulk is very satisfying, even if that means I have to convert my coat closet into an overflow food pantry. One day, behind the thirty rolls of toilet paper and eleven remaining paper towel rolls, I found an eight-pack of black…

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Top view of Shrimp Laksa on the table

One of my favorite Singaporean treats is a steaming bowl of Laksa. It’s a spicy noodle soup that is made throughout Southeast Asia with each country having it’s own spin on it. People will argue for hours over which version is the best, but my vote always goes to this classic Singaporean recipe. To make…

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Top view of a Roasted Vegetable Salsa

If you’re looking for a truly flavorful salsa with a kick, try this simple recipe. Roasting the vegetables really adds a depth of smoky flavor. It’s great for dipping corn chips or using as a marinade or a topping for grilled chicken or fish. Enjoy! INGREDIENTS ½ pound Italian Roma tomatoes ½ pound tomatillos, husked…

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